Saturday, November 24, 2007

An Introduction: Sage

My name is Windy Ridge's Sagen Sunset but you can just call me Sage. I am a 3.5 year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback. I am a very handsome boy. I traveled a long way to get to my house when I was only 8 weeks old. It involved lots of driving and riding in an airplane. My hobbies are eating, looking for food, sleeping, checking the counters for any food that might have once been there, playing, eating, sleeping, dreaming about food, sniffing for food, checking pockets for food, eating, begging for food, and I also like camping, hiking, and that stuff as long as Mom remembers to pack my food. If anyone reads this can you please let my Mom and Dad know that I am starving? They seem to think that I need to be kept at a "healthy weight". Trust me, I am starving! Can you tell them, please?

I am pretty particular about my sleeping arrangements. I refuse to lay on a bare floor. I need a bed, or a blanket, or lately dad's work clothes have provided some great cushioning. This morning Dad had to go to work early and Mom let me and Marley up in bed with her (that almost never happens). I think I will try to convince her that my dog bed isn't cutting it. Maybe she'll buy me my own queen size bed?

Mom was taking pictures of me sleeping last night, she thought it was cute that I curled up on a pile of dad's dirty work clothes but it shows my nice ridge.

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