Thursday, October 23, 2008

Caught in the Act!

Most of you know by now that I am ruled by my appetite, so the other night when Mom left an empty box of Taquitos out on the floor my stomach told me that I had to investigate. What if it wasn't really empty? What if there were some crumbs left that I could lick up? I waited until Mom was getting in the shower. I was patient and listened for her to turn the water on so I knew she would be in there and then I snuck into the kitchen to investigate that box. Tattletale Marley ran into Mom's room so I think that is how she knew I was up to something. Good thing she came out though because I had gotten myself into a bit of a pickle.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Belly Kicks

So the other day when Mom got home from work she was sitting on the couch. I (Marley) had to tell Mom that I needed some loves. I usually tell her by sticking my head in her lap and nudging her arm until she pets my head. Well, these days Mom doesn't have much of a lap so I stuck my head on her belly so she could give me loves. So there I am with my head on her belly giving her my best sad eyes and her belly kicked me, right in the face! Mom laughed and laughed. She told me my soon to be born baby sister was telling me hello.